Friday, October 19, 2012

Freebie Friday

I love to decorate my classroom, but I never have the time, money or room to decorate.  I created a few banners to give my room a little cuteness, (not sure if that's a real word, but teachers are always creating their own words!) It doesn't take up any room and I can print it for basically free. I'm linking up with TBA to share a Friday Freebie with you (actually, it's 3 freebies!)  All you have to do is hop over to my TpT store and download it.  No strings attached.  Happy decorating!

 If you want to create your own banners.  I have these two styles available for only $5 each.  It includes the alphabet in both capital and lower case letters, non-letter pieces to use as dividers/spaces, and a cute flower piece in the zebra print.

Freebie Fridays



  1. LOVE all your banners! Just found you over at Christi's birthday giveaway!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. These banners are super cute! AND you've been BOO'D! Check it out over at my blog :)


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